Squadron Sponsoring Committee

Squadron Sponsoring Committees are community-level organizations that coordinate local support for the Cadets. Depending on the unit, their makeup varies and they can include interested parents, community members, service clubs, town councils and corporations. The 631 Sentinel Sponsoring Committee is a registered non-profit society made up of parents of past and present cadets, friends of the squadron, and former cadets and officers of the squadron. Our primary goals are to provide financial and moral support to the cadets of 631 RCACS. It is our fundraising goal to raise approximately $30,000 annually to ensure that the squadron remains stable and the cadets are able to participate in the variety of programs that are offered. The Sponsoring Committee is also responsible for:

  • providing suitable accommodation for cadet training and activities
  • promoting the Cadet Program to the community
  • fundraising and managing funds for additional activities not supported financially by the Canadian Forces
  • guidance to the Parent Committee
  • Monthly Meetings

Our Sponsoring Committee consists of:

  • Chairperson: Mrs. Sandra Lackan
  • Vice-Chairperson: Mrs. Evelyn Walsh
  • Treasurer: Mr. Martin Vieira
  • Recording Secretary: Mrs. Donna Lebel